pp108 : Mapping of Service Groups and Web Service Interfaces

Mapping of Service Groups and Web Service Interfaces

This topic maps the various Service Groups with Web service interfaces.

This document describes the mapping of various Service Groups (that can be created for the available Application Connectors) with the Web service interfaces that must be attached to these Service Groups during configuration. Web service interfaces are an aggregation of Web service operations that usually contain a query or a task that determines which data is being requested or which action must be taken, and are associated with Service Groups. When a Web service interface is attached to a Service Group, the Service Containers beneath the service group fulfill the SOAP request, by executing the operations associated with the Web service interface.

The below list displays the default service groups and constituent Web service interfaces that are required by the corresponding service groups of the Process Platform to run and must be mapped as is. For a list of public Web services that are available for use, see SOAP APIs.

Service Group Application Web service Interfaces
Auditing Cordys Audit Service Method Set ArtifactsAudit 1.0
LDAP Cordys LDAP Connector Method Set LDAP 1.0
Cordys LDAP Connector Method Set LDAP 1.1
Cordys LDAP Connector Method Set VirtualConsortium
Cordys LDAP Connector Method Set Certificate User
Event Handling Cordys Event Service Method Set Event Service 1.0
FTP Service Cordys FTP Connector Method Set FTP 1.1
Cordys FTP Connector Method Set FTP
Monitor Cordys ESBServer Method Set Monitor
Process Platform DB Connection Method Set DSOConfig
E-mail Cordys E-mail Connector Method Set E-mail
ISV Packages Cordys ESBServer Method Set ISV Packages
Click Choice Process Platform WCP 1.3 Method Set ClickChoice
Process Platform WCP 1.4 Method Set ClickChoice
Collaborative Workspace Cordys CWS Core Method Set CWS Repository 1.0
Cordys CWS Core Method Set CWS Build 1.0
Cordys CWS Core Method Set CWS Deploy 1.0
Cordys CWS Core Method Set CWS Package 1.0
Cordys CWS Core Method Set CWS Operation 1.0
Cordys CWS Core Method Set CWS Synchronize 1.0
Cordys CWS Core Method Set CWS Team Development 1.0
Cordys CWS Core Method Set CWS Upload 1.0
UDDI Cordys UDDI Connector Method Set UDDI
Data Transformation Cordys Data Transformation Method Set DataTransformation 4. 2
Parser Method Set
MDM Hub Publisher Cordys MDM MDM Common Methodset
MDM Publisher Methodset
MDM Service Cordys MDM MDM Common Methodset
MDM Service Methodset
MDM LogViewer Methodset
Notification Cordys Notification Notification Method Set
Rule Engine Cordys Rule Engine Method Set RuleAdmin 4.2
Method Set RuleEngine 4.2
Repository Cordys Tag Server Method Set TagServer 1.0
Cordys XMLStore Method Set XMLStore
Method Set MenuStore
Method Set StyleStore
Cordys Task Server Method Set Task Design Time
Method Set Task Run Time
Cordys Document Store Method Set Document Store
Security Administration Cordys Security Admin Core Method Set SecAdmin
Method Set Certificate Manager
Method Set Verification
Single Sign-On Cordys Single Sign-On SAMLProtocol
Scheduler Cordys Scheduler Method Set Scheduler 4.2
Method Set Scheduler 1.0
CoBOC Cordys CoBOC COBOC Method Set 4.2
COBOC Method Set
Admin Method Set
XForms Cordys XForms Runtime Method Set XForm
Translation Process Platform Translation Method Set Translation 1.0
Business Process Management Cordys Business Process Engine Method Set Admin and Monitoring 4.2
Method Set Process Instance Archive 4.2
Method Set Process Deployment 4.2
Method Set Process Modeling 4.2
Method Set Process Execution 4.2
Method Set Process Authorization 4.2
Method Set Process Schemas 4.2
Method Set Query Process Instance Data 4.2
Method Set Business Identifier 4.2
WS-AppServer Cordys WS-AppServer WS-AppServer Development Method Set
WS-AppServer Runtime Method Set
Method Set DBMetadata 1.0
Method Set DB Schema
Method Set JDBCSchema
Method Set OleDBSchema 1.0
Method Set OleDBSchema 1.1
Method Set Audit 1.0
Method Set DataSourceInfo
Method Set DBCommands 1.0
Method Set DBConnector Schemas 1.0
Method Set Log Viewer
User Management OpenText Process Suite Platform User Management Method Set User Management Global
Method Set User Management Global
Method Set User Management User